This has not been an especially great reading month for me. After coming down off a three month long rabid reading high, I have slowed down a bit because, you know... LIFE. Also, my choices this month were not of the same caliber as what I've been reading the past few months (see my reads from September and October if you missed them) so it has taken me longer to finish some of these than it normally would.
Nevertheless, I did manage to read a few things, and here are my reviews Twitterature style, in 140 characters or less.
Nevertheless, I did manage to read a few things, and here are my reviews Twitterature style, in 140 characters or less.
Jack Reacher isn't just for boys, ya know. This time he's back in the Army and better than ever. #ReacherForPresident #ReacherRocks
Car wreck, amnesia, and no memory of who her lover is. A good book but not a great one. #It'sNoGirlYouLeftBehind #It'sNoMeBeforeYou
I waited so long, and all I have to say is AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH! #Seriously? #KindaMad #OKReallyMad #AAARRRGGGGHHH
Grisham's best since... The Firm, maybe? Jake Brigance is back, and I love him more than ever. #ATimeToKillSequel #ILoveTheSouth
And there you have it - the extent of my reading for the month. It's a pitiful selection, but the Grisham stands out in my mind as a really, really good read.
Here's to better reading next month!
What should I read next?

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I'll have to check out that Grisham! I just discovered him this summer when my ankle was broken (shameful since I went to law school). So good!