
Pink elephant apron giveaway! WINNER ANNOUNCED!

And the winner is:


Hey Janet, I still have your address somewhere :)  Expect your apron to arrive in a few days!

I've never used quite so many exclamation points in a blog title before.

Of course, I've never hosted a giveaway before, either.

So my excitement?  Totally justified.

A few weeks ago, I shared one of my latest obsession, which is making aprons.  One of my internet besties, Savannah of Savvy Pants fame commented and suggested that I make an apron and do a giveaway.

Why, don't mind if I do, thank you very much.

And also, how has this never occurred to me before now?

Anyway, here is what I have created, totally made by my own hands, to give away.

Ok, now that you've seen it, let me tell you about it.

It's really cute.
IT'S TOTALLY REVERSIBLE!!!  See the pics?  That's not two different aprons.  It's one that's REVERSIBLE!!!
It's made made from fabric from the Michael Miller "It's a Girl Thing"collection.
It's really cute.

That's all.

Now, for the important stuff.  Here's how to enter.

You can earn a total of five, yes FIVE, entries, and all you have to do is follow these very simple and clear instructions.


1.  Leave a comment on this post.  You can tell me you love it.  You can talk about the weather.  Just comment, and you're entered to win.
2.  Tweet a link to this post AND come back here to leave a comment telling me you did.  All you have to say is "tweet" or "twitter" or if you really want to, you can write me a dozen paragraphs outlining exactly how you crafted your tweet.    Just remember to come back and comment about it.
3. Share this post on Facebook AND come back here to leave a comment telling me you did.  Ditto #2. All you have to say is "Facebook" or whatever you want to say about the trials and tribulations you went through in order to share it on Facebook.
4.  +1 this post on Google+ AND come back here to leave a comment telling me you did.  Are you sensing a theme here?
5.  Pin the image above to Pinterest (make sure it links directly to this post - THANKS!!!) AND come back here to leave a comment telling me you did.


This contest will run from today, March 6, 2013, through midnight EST on Tuesday, March 12, 2013. 

The winner will be chosen by a randomly generated number on Random.org, and your chances of winning will be totally dependent on the number of entries. (See how I added cute little numbers to my comments to make this easy and fair and all that?)

This is an apron I made myself, out of fabric I purchased, and this giveaway is not sponsored by anyone except me, me and only me.  

Also, I made this without a pattern, and I am not a professional seamstress, apron maker, or really much of anything.  From across the room I can see about 15 places that the stitches are crooked, and I had to sew a couple seams twice and didn't bother to rip the old ones out, because ain't nobody got time for that.  Also, the flower accent (which is super cute, by the way) is attached with a safety pin so you can easily move it from one side to the other.  I'm sure I could have come up with a fancier system, but I'm lazy and a safety pin works just fine. Actually, you might not even want this apron.  Sorry if I wasted your time.  Basically, I'm telling you what I tell my kids every day and that's "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit."

Winner will be announced ON THIS POST sometime in the morning on Wednesday, March 13, 2013, barring natural disasters, grave illness or the zombie apocalypse.

I will ship this out to you OR to someone else if you would like to give it as a gift, provided the shipping address is in the US.  Any entries outside of the US will automatically be disqualified and a new winner will be chosen.

Since I allow anonymous comments on my blog, if you choose to comment anonymously, or if your profile isn't linked to a way for me to find your e-mail address, please leave your email address in your comment so I can find you.  Did that even make any sense?

The apron models are not part of the giveaway, but they sure are cute, aren't they?  Actually, you could probably have them occasionally, like Monday through Friday, and maybe every other weekend.  Email me.  We'll chat about it.  

If I forgot anything, please insert it here and pretend like I said it.  I'm new to giveaways, you know.

That's it!  Thanks for stopping by, and GOOD LUCK!

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This post contains an affiliate link. 


  1. I need this apron because it is ADORABLE and because it will make me cook better. So, random.org, I thank you now for furnishing my children better meals.

  2. Yup, and I put this on Facebook! Yup!

  3. OHHH!!!! THIS Is SOOOO CUTE !!! I love elephants !! AND, You made me register Pintrest.
    Thank you for considering me for the winner!!!
    Doris (runshelley@yahoo.com)

  4. K, AND I pinned this twice I think!!!!!...

    Doris !!!!

  5. I want it! Please!
    Jen bailey

  6. And I posted it on FB

  7. You are so funny! I would love this.. Don't know how to do the rest of the stuff but maybe I'll give it a try?

  8. Pretty sure I just tweeted this :)

  9. OHHHHH and I think i facebooked it :)

  10. The pinterest thing is eluding me.......oh well :)

  11. haha the apron models are cute, too! Love the apron - you are super talented.

  12. I feel like I've already won just by tricking you into giving this away!! It's adorable!!

  13. Also I facebooked and tweeted. I need to be on my computer for the other two. I'll be back.

  14. Ok, and now I Pinned and Google+ed. First time I've ever used my google+ account, so there's that.


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