
Falling down. The love story that wasn't.

Once upon a time, there was a cute, single, hard-working, fun-loving lady, who happened to have a crush on a garbage man.

True story.  He was a really cute garbage man, and he only smelled like a garbage truck sometimes was also very polite and respectful.

This cute, single, hard-working, fun-loving lady would often see the garbage man in her place of employment, and would admire him from afar.

You see, she had to admire him from afar.

Because every time she came within 15 yards of him, she fell down.

Like those fainting goats, but not really.

For some reason, being in the near vicinity of this particular garbage man would make the  cute, single, hard-working, fun-loving lady trip.

Every. Single. Time.

And fall down.  All the way down.

Every. Single. Time.

The first time it happened, the cute, single, hard-working, fun-loving lady was walking up to talk to the handsome garbage man.  You know, just a "Hey, how's it going?" kind of walk-by thing.  Very casual.

The cute, single, hard-working, fun-loving lady found it difficult to pull off casual while lying prone on the floor.

After the cute, single, hard-working, fun-loving lady scrambled up and away, making sure to keep her skirt pulled down and most of her dignity intact, she successfully avoided the handsome garbage man for several weeks, even though he frequented her place of employment regularly.

Finally, the cute, single, hard-working, fun-loving lady worked up the courage to approach the handsome garbage man again.  As she was walking toward him, casual smile at the ready, the cute, single, hard-working, fun-loving lady tripped and fell down.  Again.

The cute, single, hard-working, fun-loving lady found once again that casual smiles and lying tangled in her own feet did not go well together.

The cute, single, hard-working, fun-loving lady decided that - ALAS - it was not meant to be and managed to avoid the handsome garbage man for a really, really long time.

Until one day, the handsome garbage man asked someone else about the cute, single, hard-working, fun-loving lady. As the third party was relaying the information to the cute, single, hard-working, fun-loving lady, her heart began to flutter.  Maybe it was meant to be!  Until cute, single, hard-working, fun-loving lady heard what the handsome garbage man had asked.  He said, "Whatever happened to that girl that falls down all the time?  I haven't seen her here in a long time."

The end.  No, really.  The end.

This post is inspired my Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop.  And the cute, married, hard-working, fun-loving lady wrote this post from a completely upright position.  Which just goes to show, she ended up with the right handsome car salesman  prince after all.


  1. Intersting story.I am coming again to read more intersting stories. keep it up.


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