Ironman the elf came for one last hurrah.
Note the fantastic Christmas morning hair on cj.
Cj was mainly confused by everything.
The wild present-opening began, and superheroes were this year's theme. Imagine that.
Note the mad present-opening skills. In this particular instance, all the limbs were necessary, even the legs.
The wild-eyed look began somewhere around 8am and lasted well into the night.
My niece K seemed to enjoy her presents, but I wouldn't really know, since she doesn't speak to me.
Nephew J messed with random gadgets most of the day.
Mama really, really, really just wanted to go home. As soon as possible, presents be damned.
Aunt B didn't look away from the camera quickly enough, and GASP! It's an honest to goodness smile!
Aunt S sort of lurked around behind the columns.
The monkey suit was a huge hit, and left brown fur all over my house. It has since been "retired."
Christmas with RJ's family was celebrated a few days later. Aunt A and Baby B were looking very cute. Baby B is asian. My children are not. I am exceptionally bitter about this, and blame RJ's weak genes.
All the J grandkids lined up in a row.
This was taken right after Uncle G dropped zj on his head. Don't worry, the floor's ok.
Grandpa and Grandma J with cj.
Aunt A and Uncle G got zj not one, but two lovely swords. Paybacks are hell, guys.
All my boys, intently focused on something. I'm not sure what.
aunt b isn't very happy about seeing her picture posted here.