Today I'm linking up to Modern Mrs. Darcy for Twitterature.
When I was a bookstore manager I made it a point to hire readers. I really thought (and still think) that you cannot do a great job selling something unless you are passionate about it. While I was interviewing I usually skimmed through the "required" questions because I wanted to talk to the potential booksellers about, well, BOOKS. I would always start out with a no-brainer - "Do you like to read?" and only a handful ever told me no. They didn't get a call back, by the way. They I would say "What are you reading now?" or "What have you read lately that you enjoyed?" and I got a wide range of answers. Sometimes people would tell me of the last thing they were required to read in high school - 15 years ago. Sometimes people would have a wide and varied list of classics, current bestsellers and everything in between. I got a lot of great recommendations from people like that. And then there were the ones who said "Oh I LOVE to read! I read a LOT of magazines!" I gave them credit for trying, but it just wasn't the same. There is absolutely nothing wrong with reading magazines, by the way. But if they couldn't roll at least a title or two off that they had read in the past month, I figured they weren't really book readers.
This month, I have felt like a magazine-only reader. I've started several books but none of them has really held my interest past the first chapter or two. I've read a lot of magazines. I've read a lot of blogs. I've read a lot of books with and to the boys. I'm still reading, but I'm not really making any progress with books for ME.
I almost didn't link up this time, but the one - yes only one - book I managed to finish was so, so good I wanted to share it.
Make no mistake, this book is gritty and raw and even crude, but it is beautiful. Amy Tan has such a gift with painting pictures with her words, and although I wasn't carried along by plot, I had a hard time putting this book down because the descriptions were all so vivid and amazing.
So there you have it - my one recommendation for the month.
What are you reading right now?

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