

I'm linking up to Mama Kat today, and the prompt is:

Your favorite summer view so far.

Mama’s Losin’ It

So without further delay (I KNOW YOU CAN'T WAIT!!!), here it is:

Now I know this isn't so much a VIEW as a PICTURE, but technically it was my view at the moment, and it's probably one of my favorite pics I've taken EVER.

Plus, it really screams "SUMMER!" to me.

So now that I'm finished  justifying pretty much this entire post to everyone, let me tell you what was going on here.

Every year for the past 3 years or so, we have taken the boys to Great Wolf Lodge for a couple days, and after the first trip we made to there, we were hooked.  I mean, it's not something I can imagine adults doing without kids, but for the ages our boys are now, it's just about perfect.  There's plenty to do without having to think you'll miss stuff in a two day trip, which is generally all we can afford.  This place ain't cheap, yo.

Anyway, right before our first trip there, my hubby gifted me with a Kodak waterproof camerato which I said "Oh, thank you honey!" and for which I thought "I'll never use this in a million years."

Boy was I wrong.  I have dragged this camera to every beach, water park and swimming pool in a six state radius and four-ish years later it's still going strong.

I snapped this particular picture (and about a million others, too) of Zachary in the outdoor pool there, and you can see from his expression that he was having a blast.  I guess we all were, relatively speaking.

Any time my family gets to hang out together doing stuff we enjoy, I'm happy, and a relaxing and fun afternoon in the pool with my kiddos smiling is just about the best view ever.

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  1. What a fun pic! You're making me wonder what ever happened to my waterproof camera...

    1. You should go dig it out! I have had so much fun taking pics with mine!

  2. Thats a cool pic! I want a waterproof camera now!

    1. They aren't crazy expensive, and they are SO fun!

  3. LOVE this happy, happy photo! What a great memory. I bet Kodak would love to use it in ads! haha Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love that pic! It definitely says "summertime!"

    I have seen so many great water pics this year -- I may need to invest in one....

    1. They are totally worth the investment. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you! I think the reflection is what makes it so cool!

  6. Great picture! It's so clear. I agree - kids in the water is my favorite view of summertime, too.

    1. Thanks! Nothing says "summer" like a kid splashing around in the water!

  7. I love this picture!! So fun. I think a waterproof camera would be an awesome toy to have around ;)

  8. Oh that's it, I HAVE to get an underwater camera. That is just so cool!


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