
Dusting off the bookshelves.

I go through fits and spurts of avid reading.

I always have my nooknearby with a couple dozen books loaded on to it, but sometimes my reading is sluggish and it takes me days and days to finish a book.

Other times, I read and read and read every spare second, carrying my nook to the bathroom, propping it up and reading while I make dinner, and falling asleep with it stuck to the drool on my face every night.

Lately, I have definitely been in a "reading all the time" phase.

I've discovered new authors.  I've re-read old favorites, like the entire Little House on the Prairieseries.  It's amazing how differently I react to those stories as an adult.  Can't those people EVER GET A BREAK?!?!?

Oh, and it's inspired me to update The Library section of my blog, which I had been neglecting for a while.

Feel free to take a look at what I've been reading lately, and I'd love to have some suggestions from you.  What is your latest absolutely can't put down read?

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  1. Oh, LHOP is a big deal around here. We're sort of stuck on By the Shores of Silver Lake, though. Maeve is not keen on listening.

    Brett just started reading The Hobbit to the kids, and I've been blown away. Where the heck have I been and why have I never read this book???

    I'm into non fiction at the moment, just finished up Landscape with Dragons and am working on some parenting and spiritual reading I want to get done before Easter.

    1. By the Shores of Silver Lake is my least favorite Little House book of all. Maybe Maeve and I have similar tastes. And yes, the Hobbit is fabulous! I just Googled Landscape with Dragons and it looks really interesting.

  2. It's food for thought for the Christian minded set --- for example, I LOVE Harry Potter, and you'd have to pry it from my cold dead hands. I'm also a fan of dragon lit --- Dragon Rider, that Christopher Paolini series that escapes me now, and My Father's Dragon, How to Train your Dragon.

    Thank God He gave me boys.


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